Sunday 10 January 2016

Narrative Theory: Spectre

The trailer for Spectre uses many narrative techniques typical of a British action/thriller. Applying Propp's character theory, the trailer shows the audience that there is a clear protagonist/hero played by Daniel Craig throughout. We see some sort of donor at 0:52 seconds that gives a hint or clue that can aid the hero in his mission. The trailer also shows a female character at 0:57 seconds who is clearly identifiable as the heroine as she is recognised as the prize or reward of the hero. We also see some sort of helper at 1:24 who is perhaps tracking down this secret organisation that will help Bond with his mission. The audience sees a glimpse of what may perhaps be the antagonist/villain of the movie seen at 2:12. All these characters shown in the trailer quickly help to establish action/thriller narrative and allow the audience to understand the main relationships within the two-minute running time of the trailer.

The film's narrative shown in the trailer is clearly introduced but doesn't exactly fit Todorov's theory of equilibrium. The part of the trailer that shows where everything is balanced is perhaps the only few seconds where everything seems 'normal' as the environment seems very calm as there is also no dramatic music that could suggest any action or mishap. It then soon very quickly turns to disequilibrium as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium. However we do not see a new equilibrium being formed - which is critical - as the trailer leaves the audience wondering whether the protagonist finds a solution and if there is a good ending so the audience will have to watch the whole film.

The trailer is full of Barthes' enigma and action codes. Barthes' enigma code may be used to portray a mystery that can draw in an audience in and make them intrigued. The major enigma code seen in the trailer is whether Bond completes his mission and discovers the antagonist. The action codes are the most important in this type of genre as it relates to tension created: any action created that engages the audience. In the trailer, the audience is presented with a shooting scene after 10 seconds to portray how this movie is action-packed and full of adventure and excitement.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Representation Analysis: Spectre

The main male character is seen as the heroic figure that saves the lives of innocent people. He has a very wealthy life and is very strategic about the choices he makes while on his mission. He has a chilling connection between himself and the enemy he seeks. He goes through typical action scenes that are commonly seen carried out by the hero e.g. car chases, supercharged helicopter sequences, unexpected explosions and shooting scenes. This reinforces the typical stereotypes made of the hero as we, the audience, expect Bond to do spectacular things to impress and amaze us.

The female is seen as the vulnerable, weak figure. Is usually seen as the "sex object" and is very attractive. She is usually called 'Bond girl' who is a love interest as well as a sidekick of James Bond. They are usually considered as sophisticated and glamorous women and are generally captured or are put in danger and used as part of blackmail, waiting for Bond to arrive and save her. This emphasises the stereotype that women are seen as fragile and feeble and cannot do anything to save themselves.

The Ukrainian villain (and other non-Americans) is represented as an evil genius who is violent and dangerous. Bond receives a message which sends him to uncover a sinister organisation run by the villain. The villain represented in Spectre also reinforces the typical way villains are seen in an action/ thriller type movie. They use their initiative for example rampaging masked crowds to execute their plan.

London is represented as an exciting place where loads of action takes place. They also make London seem like a modern area where technology is used at its peak. For example, it is where the top secret organisations such as MI5 and MI6 are located which are under threat by the villain and it is down to Bond to put them out of this terrible danger.

The social class of the British class system is seen as a posh, stylish and luxurious lifestyle with their high-class, deluxe cars and suits. This reinforces the stereotype of the social class of Britain.

Friday 11 December 2015

PPE Exam Preparation: Science Fiction Film: Lucy

Title: Lucy

Tagline: The average person uses 10% of their brain capacity. Imagine what she could do with 100%.

Sub-genre: Mutation

Narrative: The film starts off with Lucy's boyfriend who tricks her into delivering a briefcase to an apparent business contact but is then kidnapped by thugs who intend to turn her into a drug mule. She is surgically implanted with a package containing a powerful chemical but is tortured and the chemical leaks into her bloodstream, giving her these superhuman abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis. Lucy then turns the tables at her captors and transforms into an unforgiving warrior evolved beyond human capabilities.

Characters: The main character, Lucy, links to the science fiction genre as she has heightened senses and abilities to manipulate electronics. This may appeal to an audience as the main character is a female, subverting the typical gender stereotypes that men are usually involved with action, therefore making women more interested in watching this film.

Setting: The movie is set on earth. However, it is linked to the sci-fi genre as during the end of the movie, Lucy begins a space time journey into the past and reaches the oldest discovery of mankind.

Mise-en-scene: weapons, fight scenes, dark atmospheres.

Institution: Produced by Canal+, Ciné+, EuropaCorp and TF1 Films Production.
Distributed in the UK by Universal Pictures International (UPI).

Director: Luc Besson.
Stars: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman.

IMDb rating: 6.4/10.
Rotten Tomatoes: 66%, 47% from audience.

Target Audience: 60% males, 40% females. Social class of BC1, likely to be in school or interested in action from the effect of drug use, includes some sexual content. Age rating of 15 years and over.

PPE Exam Preparation: Science Fiction Case Study 1: Independence day

Institutional background: 

Production company: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Centropolis Entertainment. Distributed by 20th Century Fox in the UK.

Genre and Media language analysis: 

Sub-genre: alien invasion. There are scenes throughout the film that suggests an invaded earth. For example in the trailer, the text on screen saying "we've always believed we weren't alone", which suggests how things which we thought were just fantasies are becoming a reality.

The narrative of the film fits the science fiction genre because it includes specific iconography that you would most likely see in this type of genre. For example, an atmospheric interference (a giant spacecraft), lasers and other different types of technology.

The main characters consists of a black family where Will Smith is the hero, subverting the stereotype of typical hero's and white Americans.

The mise-en-scène in Independence Day fits the science fiction genre as it includes lasers, explosions, spaceships, costumes/ gear, outer space and more.

Release Date:

UK release date: 9th August 1996.

Critical Reception:

IMDb: 6.9%
Rotten Tomatoes: 60%. 75% from the audience. 

Majority of the people enjoyed this movie however there were some negative reviews about this film. 

"It is a fun, happy, sad, charming, engrossing film to watch...time and time again."

"This film is one of the best of the decade, not simply because it works so well in an all-over scheme, but it provides some kicks that no other film had up to then (1996)."

"Personally I think this is the best movie of the 90's."

Box Office Success:

Budget: $75,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend: $50,228,264
Gross: $306,169,268
Independence Day, in my opinion, was a big box office success as it gained well over 2 and a half times the budget.

Stars and Directors:

Director: Roland Emmerich. He has also made other well known movies like The Day After Tomorrow, Godzilla, 2012 and more, all of which are  part of the science fiction genre.

Main star: Will Smith as Captain Steven Hiller.

Will Smith has also starred in Men in Black, I Am Legend, Focus, I, Robot and many more hit films.

Throughout the whole trailer, the director, writer or stars are not mentioned.

Audience Pleasures:

Specific aspects such as explosions and action scenes would be enjoyable for an audience as it gives them visceral pleasure.

Key moments such as Will Smith attacking the aliens, the moment where the audience does not know whether he is going to make it, the conversations between Will Smith and his companion, the reunion between the president and his daughter are scenes that the audience would particularly enjoy as they give vicarious, visceral and voyeuristic pleasure.

Having a black American hero can subvert the typical stereotype of the generic type of heroes in a movie and changes the way black people are usually presented in movies. 

Target Audience: 55% male, 45% female. Social class of ABC1. People who enjoy science related things and have knowledge of scientific references and people who enjoy watching fictional movies, full of action as well as things they can connect with e.g family related.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Assignment 2: Writing a Film Pitch

Title: The Underdog

Genre: Action

Tagline: The tables have turned...

Logline: A 16 year old boy bullied throughout high school finally takes a step forward in life and starts training to box, seeking for revenge on his school acquaintances.

Narrative: An ordinary teenage boy who always kept his head down was bullied throughout high school but one day he decides to fight back. He would always keep quiet and do his work but something suddenly hits him. Literally. From then on his mindset totally changes. He spends his days studying but his nights training, hoping to be a professional fighter and stand up to those who looked down on him.


Joe Smith (main character)
Cameron Wills (bully)

Setting: Set on earth. At first there is a flash back of parts of his high school life and how he was always bullied- set in school. The setting then changes to the present where the main character is in the gym

Similar Movies: Karate Kid

Target Audience: This movie will most likely appeal to teenagers and young adults who are mainly 80% male and 20% female. They are also perhaps in the ABC1 social class who may enjoy watching movies with lots of action and slight violence.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Assignment 2: Film Poster and Trailer Analysis of Spectre

Film poster key conventions:

The central image is of the main star, James Bond (Daniel Craig). It is a medium shot and he is looking directly at the camera, creating direct address while holding a gun perhaps hinting to the audience that this movie is of an action genre and may appeal to them. The title of publication is placed in the second third of the poster along with the tagline underneath it. The tagline '007' can also be seen as an image as it has a gun attached to it, again alluding that guns are a major part of iconography of this movie. The poster has no specific release date but instead has 'COMING SOON' along the bottom third. The use of a preview of the poster perhaps gives the audience a tease as to what the movie is about and to get people talking and excited about the movie. As this movie isn't out yet, it does not include any stars or critic reviews from newspapers or magazines, leaving the audience anticipated to know whether this movie is a hit. The film uses social media links at the very bottom but can be identifiable as it is a well-known logo. In this particular poster, there is no production blurb, but there are a few other posters that do include it. 

Film trailer key conventions:

The film trailer contains no specific names of the stars or directors, as well as any on-screen text. However, it does include the production company. The trailer does give a clear layout of the characters and the narrative of this movie, but the setting does change throughout, suggesting the amount of action that takes place in different areas of the world in the movie. It uses short clips and fast-paced editing of different scenes to give the audience an insight of the film to create drama and excitement. They include the different expressions of the characters face, the different props e.g. guns, the different lighting to create suspense and mystery.There is no specific release date said in the trailer but at the end it does mention that it is 'COMING SOON' - just like the poster - making it identifiable that this is a teaser trailer. The background music communicates to the audience the genre of this film due to the fast paced music, conveying that this is an action genre. There are no voice overs, only music and dialogue and perhaps some sound effects, grasping the audience's attention. There is diegetic sound like the conversations between the characters, explosions, helicopters etc... As well as some non-diegetic sounds like the mysterious music that plays in the background. Only we, the audience, can hear the intense music playing which builds up the excitement within us. At the very end of the trailer, they do include their known logo of '007' attached with a gun which is displayed as their official website too, along with the hashtag 'SPECTRE' and with what seems like the production blurb of the movie. 

Overall, I do think that the Spectre poster and trailer have successfully promoted their new release of the film due to its large marketing ways to make this film a hit. They've used stars in the film who are well known and a genre which intrigues many people. Considering that it is also a modern version of older movies such as James Bond, it makes the public more eager to watch the movie as it was such a big success.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Assignment 2: Film Case Study Research


I have chosen Spectre  in particular because it is widely popular and has been trending worldwide. It is also a modern version of the classic James Bond movie, which can appeal to a very large audience. 

Institutional Background:
1)Spectre's production company are Eon Productions and Columbia Pictures. 

2) The UK theatrical distributor is Sony Pictures Releasing.

No Brand Loyalty:
1) Genre: Action, adventure, thriller.

2) The trailer hints that it is part of the action/ thriller genre because of its iconography and setting. The trailer shows us that there are guns, cars, car chases, violence and more which shows us a typical aspect of an action genre.

3) The main star of the movie is Daniel Craig (James Bond). He was also starring in the movies Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, and Skyfall, all of which were hit movies. Spectre was directed by Sam Mendes. He also directed Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes and American Beauty which earned 5 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

It's all a matter of timing:
1) The UK release date for Spectre was the 26 of October, 2015. 

2) The earliest trailer that was out on YouTube was uploaded 7 months ago by 'Movieclips Trailers'.

3) Other examples of marketing were teaser trailers on YouTube and on TV, TV interviews, and it being displayed on the news.

It's a social thing:
1) The rating given on IMDb was 7.2 out of 10. Majority of the reviews were positive but there were a handful of users who did not like the movie, purely due to personal preference. The rating given on Rotten Tomatoes was 69%, 6.4 out of 10 and there were also a few people who did not like the movie either. Overall, I think that the public has given this movie a good review.

2) 'A swaggering show of  confidence'.

    'Another stellar outing for Bond'.

    'Spectre is by far one of the best bond films ever so far. It is amazing and exciting and leaves me wondering if the series can continue after'.

Risky Business:
1) The original budget for Spectre was estimated to be $245,000,000. 

2) In the opening weekend it made $70,403,148.

3) In total, the movie made $314,520,181.

4) Spectre made more than their budget, but not 2.5x the amount. Since it is a fairly recent release, I'd say that this movie will soon reach that amount and be a box office success due to its popularity.

Stars in their eyes:
1) The director, Sam Mendes, has previously directed Skyfall, American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, Road to Perdition, Away We Go, Jarhead and many more which are all of different genres.

2) The main star of Spectre is Daniel Craig who plays James Bond.

3) Daniel Craig has also appeared in Skyfall, Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Defiance and more. 
These films are also quite similar to the main movie I've chosen as they all contain the genre of action.

4) Throughout the whole trailer, no names are mentioned.